Live Shoppable Video

On avg consumers watch 17 hours of video a week. Are you making the most of it?

Get the Liveselling and shoppable video solution that turns your videos into your ecommerce super power.

Making videos is time consuming and costly. 91% of marketers use video, it’s an increasingly crowded market place.

You need to deliver a quality experience for the customer and drive sales and just keeping a tally of views isn’t going to cut it. 

Get started quickly with shoppable videos in as little as 2 weeks.

Liveselling is a transformative way of gaining sales, understanding your customers, answering questions and driving brand relationships. It drives sales and also the liveselling experience reduces returns by up to 40%! 


Why Video Commerce powered by eStreamly?



Have fun and moderate comments in real time through the chat. Notify with SMS your followers you're going live...



Broadcast to your Facebook Page & Groups, Youtube, Instagram and your webstore at once, all while managing a centralized webstore



Integrate your ecommerce, easily add products, polls, information. Set your discount and shipping policies.



Get data and analytics on your live alongside with viewers contacts

“I had to step out of my comfort zone to go live and it was helpful to have eStreamly support on my side, get the confidence boost I needed to go over the hedge. Highly recommend.”

“Easy to use software for shoppable livestreaming. Can upload easily products, discounts, polls and questions”

“Effective and efficient. I worked with Nicolas last year and it was a fantastic experience. I could tell how enthusiastic and serious to improve each feature and the outcomes were great. Easy to connect with Shopify”

“Great team! Great product" eStreamly is one of a kind way to reach different audiences and has dedicated team available behind the scenes to assist!”


Where Video and Commerce Meet

Deliver the solution for your brand that clearly shows ROI, that drives your business forward. Don’t wait for your competition to gain the upper hand. 

Companies such as Macy's, Amazon, Gap... are already using liveshopping technology.  Work with the company that gives you a white label solution wand owning the first party data and customer relationship.

Social Media & site

How does it compare to other options?


Pricing adapted to your usage to maximize your ROI

Shoppable Video


Perfect For Savvy Marketers Looking To Make Video Content Shoppable On Any Websites.


Main features include:

  • Checkmark Swippeable Video Player For Your Website
  • Checkmark Shoppable Video With In-Video Checkout
  • Checkmark Share Video In Email, SMS, Social
  • Checkmark Collect 1st Party Video Data
  • Checkmark 100k Impressions / Month then pay by the 1000s impression


Contact Sales

Best For Brands And Businesses Operating At Scale And Wanting The Best Liveshopping & Shoppable Video Engagement Features With The Most Control.

  • Checkmark Everything From LiveShopping, plus:
  • Checkmark Manage Multiple Stores/ Multiple Handles
  • Checkmark Custom Livestream User Mins/Month
  • Multiple RTMP & Social Media Destination
  • Checkmark Branded Weblink URL
  • Checkmark Immediate Support

Need clarification?

How do you integrate with our commerce provider?

Our integration is a plugin for Shopify, Shopify and Magento. With the integration the video becomes a micro ecommerce site with user management, product and inventory data display and in video checkout. 

Which social media sites do you integrate with?

We currently integrate with Facebook, YouTube and Instagram. 

How is it different to TikTok Shop?

TikTok Shop launched for the USA in September ‘23. Merchants use TikTok commerce solutions to sell their products. TikTok Shop only works on TikTok.

eStreamly works with commerce solutions such as Magento, Shopify and BigCommerce. You can stream from your website and across different social media sites. With a white label solution. 

Want to understand more? Take a look a this blog post

Who produce the video content?

eStreamly is not involved in the content creation part. You can upload your UGC or your own content easily from Social media (Instagram, Youtube or TikTok), or your hard drive and make it shoppable. You can work with your agency, creators community or in house video team to create shoppable livestream. 

eStreamly can also help you with livestream production to elevate your content. 

How fast can I get this?

Integration to your ecommerce take ~5 business days and our team will help you add the video player on your website. Once done, you can start selling immediately! 


Get ahead of the game 


Want to understand how video is impacting your brand? 

Get our free UGC video alert. Find out what micro-influencers are saying about your brand. All emailed direct to you, no credit cards required!